1948-1952 Lake Williams Shores
1948 – Lake Williams Shores
a Temporary association formed in October 1948.
Dues were $1.
46 members had paid.
President: Arthur Silva
Vice President: Henry Escott
Treasurer: Andrew Gobin
Auditor: John Wilcox
Secretary: Lee Itczak
On October 10, 1948 Officers were elected.
President: Arthur Silva
Vice President: Henry Escott
Treasurer: Andrew Gobin
Auditor: John Wilcox
Financial Secretary: Mr. Krass
Recording Secretary: Leo Stockwell
Financial Committee: John Hill, John Wilcox, Mr. Horvath
Directors: Mr. Siemienski, Mr. Ledd, Mr. Melnick, Earl McLeod, Martin Fredrickson
There were 3 board meetings: October 2, 1948, October 10, 1948, and October 17, 1948.
There was a winter newsletter.
The first newspaper article: Mud Flat Lot owners learn the bad news- the lake is now a mud flat and thousands of dish die
There is a list of owners.
There is a set of bylaws.
purpose: to develop roads, water supply, removal of stumps in lake.
dues = $1.00- there were 47 members
Click here for 1948: 1948 Lake Williams Shores
President: Andrew Gobin
Vice President: Joseph Silva
Treasurer: Andrew Gobin
Financial Secretary: John Horvath
Secretary: Mrs. Fredrickson
Directors: Mr. Suinunski, Mr. Ladd, Mr. Melnick, Earl McLeod, Martin Fredrickson
Issues included water level of dam
Annual Meeting was held October 7, 1949
Click here for: 1949 Lake Williams Shores
ms 1950 Lake Williams Shores
President: Andrew Gobin
Vice President: Joseph Silva
Treasurer: John Horvath
Financial Secretary: Frank Kawczak
Secretary: Nancy Viccaro
Directors: Mr. Darling, Mr. Demursy, Mr. Mils, Martin Fredrickson
Meetings held May 24, 1950, June 4, 1950, October 25, 1950
Officers elected October 25, 1950:
President: Andrew Gobin
Vice President: Joseph Silva
Secretary: Nancy Viccarro
Treasurer: John Horvath
Financial Secretary: Frank Kawczak
Directors: Mr. Darling, Mr. Viccaro, Mr. Fredrickson, Mr.Miles, Mr. DeMusy
issues: electricity, roads, beaches, safe deposit box
Deed for beaches
Meetings: December 6, 1950
List of Lake Williams Extension members
Click here for: 1950 Lake Williams Shores
1951 Lake Williams Shores
President: Andrew Gobin
Secretary: Nancy Viccaro
Treasurer: John Horvath
Highlights: filed deeds for beaches
1951 Association voted on March 14, 1951 that the Association beaches
not be sold as long as the Association owned them.
Representative from Lake Beseck spoke and recommended forming an incorporation with all property members.
There was a picnic and boat race held
Discussion on surveying The Acre as a fireplace had been built was not on The Acre.
Voted October 5, 1951 to pay the secretary
Brought in electricity and built roads.
Meetings held on Jan. 24, 1951, March 14, 1951, April 15, 1951 (road repairs),May 9, 1951, June 13, 1951, July 11, 1951, August 12, 1951, Sept. 9, 1951, Sept. 23, 1951, Sept. 30, 1951, Oct. 7, 1951. The Annual Meeting was held on Oct. 7, 1951.
Click here for minutes: 1951 lake williams shores
1952 Lake Williams Shores
President: Andrew Gobin
Vice President: Mr. Hanson
Secretary: vacant
Treasurer: John Horvath
Financial Secretary: Mr. Yahnes
Directors: John Hill, Mr. Melnick, Mr. Contu, Mr. DeMusey, John Wilcox
1952 Meetings were held: February 13, 1952, April 8, 1952, May 11, 1952, June 8, 1952, July 12, 1952, August 10, 1952, Sept. 6, 1952, Oct. 4, 1952, Dec. 11, 1952
Topics included bringing a telephone booth to Beach 2, putting up directional signs to the Lake, and upgrading the road. Sand was added to Beach 2. Decided to sell a waterfront property.
Annual Meeting was held Oct. 4, 1952
Click here for minutes: 1952 Lake Williams Shores