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Annual Meeting was held on June 5, 1960
President:  Joe Silva
Vice President:  Frank Burns
Treasurer:  Elwyn Young
Secretary Mary-Joe Hathaway
Tax Collector:  May Grover
Director 2 years:  James Viccaro, John Wilcox
Director 1 year:  Frank Jurewitch, Mr. Miller
Tax at 4 mills
Topic:  August 14:  is the island art of LWBA?  No
Board meetings held on:  June 12, 1960, July 3, 1960, July 10, 1960, July 27, 1960, August 7, 1960, August 14, 1960, September 4, 1960, September 11, 1960, March 19, 1961, April 31, 1961, May 20, 1961
Click here for Annual and Board minutes:  


Annual Meeting was held on June 4, 1961
President:  Bud Hathaway
Vice President:  John Wilcox
Secretary:  Mary Hathaway
Treasurer:  Elwyn Young
Tax Collector:  May Grover
Directors 2 years:  Frank Jurewitch, Raymond Miller
Directors 1 year:  Stanley Gerrula, Mr. Hansen
tax rate 3 1/2 mills
discussion on boat dock for back lot owners, boat club became independent, a book for minutes was begun, trash can pickup at beaches,  checked on porta pottys, draw down, dam repairs, and May 9, 1962 – Town Zoning now supersedes the LWBA zoning.
Board meetings held on:  June 11, 1961, July 2, 1961, July 8, 1961, August 3, 1961, August 5, 1961, August 20, 1961, September 2, 1961, September 9, 1961, September 20, 1961, November 18, 1961, March 31, 1962, April 14, 1962, April 27, 1962, May 9, 1962, May 19, 1962.   Click here for Annual and Board minutes: 


Annual Meeting was June 2, 1962
President:  Carlton Hathaway
Vice President:  John Wilcox
Tax clerk:  Alice Grover
Secretary:  Mary Hathaway
Treasurer:  Mr.Lucas
Directors:  Mr. Miller, Noman Paquin, Harry Johnson, Ed Grover
Tax rate 2 1/2 mills
Suggestion to dissolve association.  Phone booth was removed because of vandalism.  sand at beaches added.  Big project was removal of stumps under water.
Board meetings were held on June 16, 1962, July 13, 1962, August 4, 1962, August 17, 1962, September 1, 1962, September 14, 1962, September 22, 1962, April 5, 1963, April 19, 1963, May 11, 1963
Click here for Annual and Board minutes:  1962-1963

Annual Meeting was held on June 2, 1963
President:   Carlton Hathaway
Vice President:  John Wilcox
Treasurer:  Fred Surridge
Tax Clerk:  Alice Grover
Secretary:  Mary Hathaway
Directors:  Gil Olivers, Ed Grover, Norman Paquin, Harry Johnson
Tax rate 2 mills
Concern of two family members on the board, Rt 207 closed an opening to the lake, suggested stickers for beach use
Board meetings held on:  June 13, 1963, July 12, 1963, August 23, 1963, September 1, 1963, September 13, 1963, September 15, 1963, April 4, 1964, May 2, 1964, May 8, 1964
Click here for the annual and board minutes:  1963-64

Annual Meeting was held on June 7, 1964
President:  Joe Silva
Vice President:  Charles Winner
Secretary:  Millie Young
Tax Clerk:  Erando Onficole
Treasurer:  Fred Surridge
Directors 2 years:  Ed Des Rosa, Ray Miller
Directors 1 year:  Ed Grover, John Wilcox
Topics include plans to build a clubhouse and whether it should be dues (voluntary) or taxes.
President Bud Hathaway noted in his outgoing president report his frustration at the lack of participation, picnic issues, boat race became argumentative, and all the beaches and rec area need work.
Board meetings were held on:  June 14, 1964, July 12, 1964, August 30,1964, September 26, 1964,   October 11, 1964, February 2, 1965, May 2, 1965.
Click here for Annual and board meeting minutes:  


Annual Meeting was held on June 6, 1965.
President:  Joe Silva
Vice President:  Bud Hathaway
Secretary:  Joyce Maderies
Treasurer:  Fred Surridge
Tax Collector:   Frando Omicieli
Directors 2 years:  Ed Grover, John Wilcox
Director 1 year:  Bud Miller, Mr. Jurewitch
tax rate 3 mills
beach stickers were issued.
Board meetings were held on June 20, 1965, September 12, 1965, May 22, 1966.  Click here for Annual and Board minutes:  1965-66

Annual Meeting was held on June 5, 1966
President:  Andrew Gobin
Vice President: Arthur Silva
Tax Collector:  Erando Omicieli
Secretary:  Joyce Medeiros
Treasurer:  Fred Surridge
Directors 2 years:  Frank Lowry, Raymond Mahoney
Topics included the slab being poured and a vote not to erect a building, a newspaper clipping on Rt 207 improvements on Lake Williams near the Grand Lake Lodge, suggest eliminate fines as no way to enforce them,  and a request to change the assessment system.
Board meetings were held on June 19, 1966, July 2, 1966, August 7, 1966, September 11, 1966, October 30, 1966, April 23, 1967, May 7, 1967
Special meetings were held on August 21, 1966 on whether to erect a building.   A second special meeting (undated) was held on changing the assessment.
Click here for the minutes of the Annual, Board, and special meetings:  


Annual Meeting was held on June 4, 1967
President:   Stanley Gierulo
Vice President: Rex Clarke
Treasurer:  Anthony Lucas
Secretary:  Mae Clarke
Tax Collector:  Erondo Omicioli
Directors 2 years:  Ann Steinhilber, James Moriarty
Directors 1 year:  Ray Mahoney, Louis Lane
Tax rate 2 mills
Topics flat assessment, and getting Ripplinger Circle paved
List of members for 1967 – Click here:  1967 Membership List
Board meetings were held on July 2, 1967, September 3, 1967, April 20, 1968, May 5, 1968.
Click here for Annual and Board minutes:  


Annual Meeting was held on June 9, 1968
President:  George Brennan
Vice President:  Rex Clark
Secretary:  May Clark
Treasurer:  Stanley Guirella
Tax Collector:  Erondo Omicioli
Directors 2 years:  Milt Krom, John Schreiner
Directors 1 year:  Ann Steinhilber, James Moriarty
Topics:  having a marina on land rented from Leibman, flat tax assessments, by-law changes
The removal of stumps and stones was tabled as there was uncertainty on spending money on property and water than we do not own.  Two lawyers consulted and Yes we can spend money.
Newspaper article in July on boating rules.
Board meetings were held on June 30, 1968, July 7, 1968, August 4, 1968, September 8, 1968.
Click here for Annual and Board minutes:  


Annual Meeting was held on June 15, 1969
President:  George Brennan
Vice President: Ray Miller
Secretary: Bernyce Brennan
Treasurer:  Stanley Guirella
Tax Collector:  Erando Omicioli
Directors:  James Moriarty, Mr. Turgeon
Tax rate 1 and 1/2 mills
By-Laws approved
Constables have no authority on the water and must contact the State Police before making an arrest.
6 mph speed limit between islands
algae bloom
need building to store file cabinets, tables for picnic,
Board  meetings were held on July 7, 1969, July 13, 1969, picnic details.  Click here for Annual and Board minutes:  1969-70
Click here for 1969 By-Laws:  1969 By-Laws

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