President: Andrew Gobin
Vice President: George Hansen
Treasurer: John Horvath
Dues Collector: John Wilcox
Secretary: Vacant
Directors: John Hill, Mr. Melnick, Mr. Contu, Mr DeMusey, John Wilcox
The Tax Collector is a paid position.
Tax Rate was 8 mills.
The Association sold a lot of waterfront property.
The Association hired a constable for $1.00 a year.
A lawsuit was brought against the constable over a dog at an Association beach.
Decided that 2 signatures were needed to sign checks.
Annual Meeting was held on: June 7, 1953.
Board meetings were held on: June 7, 1953, June 10, 1953, July 12, 1953, Aug. 16, 1953, Aug. 21, 1953, Sept. 19, 1953, Feb. 15, 1954, May 16, 1954
Click here for Minutes and By-Laws: 1953-54 Annual Meeting; Board Meetings; ByLaws
President: Andrew Gobin
Vice President: Camille Beauleau
Secretary: Lee Silva
Treasurer: John Wilcox
Tax Collector: Lee Stockwell
Directors: Ray Mahoney, Harry Johnson,
Annual Meeting was held on June 6, 1954.
Board meetings were held on June 9, 1954, July 3, 1954, August 8, 1954, September 12, 1954, Nov. 10, 1954.
Topics included setting a 20 mph speed limit, and establishing 4x4x7 for outhouses. Tax rate was 12 mills.
Click here for meeting minutes: 1954-55 Annual & Board meetings
President: Andrew Gobin
Vice President: Joseph Contu
Secretary: Lee Silva
Treasurer: John Wilcox
Tax Collector: Stephen Rittlinger
Directors: Thomas Flanagan, Daniel Ermakewich
Annual Meeting was June 5, 1955
Board Meetings were held on June 5, 1955, June 8, 1955, July 10, 1955, August 13, 1955, August 31, 1955, September 10, 1955, April 22, 1956, April 28, 1955
Tax rate was 18 mills including 6 mills for road repairs.
Legal advice was sought concerning Boy Scouts using the beaches to get to the islands.
A speeding case was turned free as the judge ruled that our constable had no power of arrest on our private roads for any road violations. – June 8, 1955
Zoning decisions on size and location of boathouses
Click here for minutes of: 1955-56
President: Andrew Gobin
Vice President: Raymond Mahoney
Treasurer: Philip Godeck
Secretary: Estelle Flanagan
Tax Collector: Stephen Rittlinger
Directors: John Wilcox, Harry Johnson
Annual meeting was held on June 3, 1956.
Board meetings were held on: June 3, 1956, June 24 1956, June 30, 1956, July 1, 1956, August 5, 1956, September 2, 1956, February 12, 1957, May 26, 1957.
Topics included back lot access for boats at Beach 2, a Boat Club was formed with 32 members,
September 2, 1956: Town to took over roads.
Mill rate was 12.00
Click here for minutes for: 1956-67
Annual Meeting was on June 2, 1957
President: Arthur Silva
Vice President: John Wilcox
Treasurer: Anthony Lucas
Tax Collector: Leo Flanagan
Secretary: Estelle Flanagan
Constable: Phil Godeck and Raymond Mahoney
Directors 2 years: Andrew Gobin, Leo Stockwell
Directors 1 year: Stephen Rittlinger
Board meetings were held on June 2, 1957, June 9, 1957, July 1, 1957, July 7, 1957, August 4, 1957, August 20, 1957, August 29, 1957, September 1, 1957, September 12, 1957, February 5, 1957, May 4, 1958, June 8, 1958
Topics: June 9, 1957: It was brought up the question of the beaches being tax free and could the Town take over the beaches in the future for this reason. It was explained that the beaches will never be taxed and the town will never take over the beaches because of the high insurance the town would have to carry and also the bath-house problem and lie-guards needed. This is a known fact and it is not needed in writing.
June 9, 1957: constables authority: Constables have no authority on the roads at all – only on the beaches – anything else must be reported to the State Police at Colchester.
Speed boat club formed by LWBA
Click here for Annual and Board minutes: 1957-58
Annual Meeting was held in June 1958
President: Andrew Gobin
Vice President: Mr. Contu
Treasurer: Anthony Lucas
Tax Collector: Leo Flanagan
Directors 2 years: John Wilcox, Frank Jurevitch
Mill rate 4 mills
Voted that all outhouses be removed by the end of the year
Board meetings were held on: June 27, 1958, July 6, 1958, July 18, 1958, August 2, 1958, August 8, 1958, August 24, 1958, October 10, 1958, December 14, 1958, December 19, 1958, May 10, 1959
Click here for Annual and Board Minutes: 1958-59
Annual Meeting was held on June 7, 1959
President: Frank Jurevitch
Vice President: A. Pelletier
Treasurer: L. Whitmore
Secretary: Violet Koren
Director 2 years: Raymond Miller, F. Burns
Director 1 year: D Shansky,
Tax Collector: Leo Flanagan
Board meetings were held on June 7, 1959, July 5, 1959, July 10, 1959, August 2, 1959, August 8, 1959, August 15, 1959, September 6, 1959,
Click here for Annual and Board minutes: 1959-60